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Professors » Sandra Helena Poliselli Farsky



Sandra Poliselli Farsky is Full Professor at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the Department of Clinical Analyses and Toxicology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. She has PhD in Sciences, with focus in Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology. Dr. Farsky coordinates research projects to understand the endogenous control of the innate inflammatory reaction, the toxic mechanisms of environmental chemical agents on the immune system, and the therapeutic efficacy of antiinflammatory and antitumoral nanocompounds or synthetic drugs. The projects are developed in several models of inflammation, such as ulcerative colitis, sepses and arthrits, and on inflammation developed during pregnancy, tumor development, obesity and diabetes. In vivo, in vitro and in situ experiments are carried out to detect the symptomalogy and the celllular and molecular mechanisms of actions.




Phone number: +55 11 30911193

Last update 21/12/2016 às 11h59